Update on the Web Reader

Update on the Web Reader

Hello POP Comics Users!

I want to update you guys on the Web Reader for POP Comics!
We have finished the design and concept for our Web Reader and is now getting into the coding stage of it all and optimistically, we're hoping to launch it sometime October or November!
I know it is still a while off but we're doing our best to get everything live!

Another thing we will be working on is the Creator side of things.

We have had a lot of request asking about changing the Creator side of POP Comics and we hear you! We want to make this an enjoyable experience for both Creators and Readers alike! There will be major changes coming soon and we hope it'll make things a lot more easier to use for you guys!

We appreciate and love hearing feedback from everyone, so please don't be shy and leave us some comments here or send us a email anytime! 

Thank you!

Until next time, CREATE! SHARE! READ!


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